Navigating Nuclear – Everything you need to know

Monday 13 May, Sydney:  8:00 AM – 6:00 PM AEST in Leighton Hall, University of NSW, Kensington, NSW.

Nuclear energy is frequently debated with a deep passion. This workshop provides participants with an opportunity to learn everything they need to know about nuclear energy and what it means for Australia’s future, so that they can engage with and lead more informed discussions and decisions in their business, families and communities.

Technical specialists and leaders from Massachusetts Institute of Technology and international and Australian institutions presented lectures on a broad range of issues.


Opening Address – Hon Ted O’Brien, Australian Parliament

Click here to view video of Ted O’Brien’s presentation 


Introduction to Navigating Nuclear  – Jasmin Diab, Global Nuclear Security Partners

Click here for Jasmin Diab Slides

Click here to view video of Jasmin Diab’s presentation 

How does nuclear energy work? – Professor Koroush Shirvan, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Click here for Koroush Shirvan’s slides

Click here to view video of Koroush Shirvan’s presentation 

Nuclear energy in the 21st century Professor Jacopo Buongiorno, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Click here for Jacopo Buongiorno’s slides

Click here to view video of Jacopo Buongiorno’s presentation

Radiological risk in perspective – Professor Robert Hayes, North Carolina State University

Click here for Robert Hayes slides

Click here to view video of Robert Hayes’s presentation

What would the environmental impacts of nuclear energy in Australia be?Dr Dave Collins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Click here for Dave Collins Slides

Challenges and bottlenecks to the green transition Professor Simon Michaux, Geological Survey of Finland

Click here for Simon Michaux’ slides

Click here to view video of Simon Michaux’ presentation

Australia’s electricity system – Dr Sarah Lawley -PhD University of Adelaide

Click here for Sarah Lawley’s slides

Click here to view video of Sarah Lawley’s presentation

What is the value of nuclear energy? – Mark Nelson, Radiant Energy Group

Click here to view video of Mark Nelson’s presentation


What happens inside an operating nuclear power plant? Sai Prasad Balla, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Click here for Sai Prasad Balla slides

Click here to view video of Sai Prasad Balla’s presentation

Environmental impacts of renewable energy in Queensland – Steven Nowakowski and Jeanette Kemp, Rainforest Reserves Australia

Click here to see Steven’s slides

Click here to view video of Steven Nowakowski’s presentation

Current nuclear energy developments around the world – Helen Cook, GNE Advisory

Click here for Helen Cook’s slides

Click here to view video of Helen Cook’s presentation

A discovery that nuclear was nonpartisan in the USA – Dr Ross Koningstein, Google

Click here to view video of Ross Koningstein’s presentation


Nuclear energy in FinlandAtte Harjanne, Finland Parliament

Click here for Atte Harjanne slides


Experience and lessons from creating nuclear safety cultureProfessor Michael Golay, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Click here for Michael Golay’s Slides

Click here to view video of Micheal Golay’s presentation

Closing Address – Dr Adi Paterson -ANSTO (retired)

Click here to view video of Adi Paterson’s presentation